11 Odd Phrases Poles Love to Use
Do you know what are the 11 odd phrases poles love to use? You can find out today! All you have to do is listen to the video, and after a while, you will find out what it means “Dull as tripe in oil”! The Polish language is extremely specific! If you want to get to know him even more, you must turn on funny Polish sayings in the prepared polish lesson! You will find there Polish phrases that make no sense in English, which may be incomprehensible at first. However, when you delve into Polish phrases that make no sense in English, it all becomes clear and transparent! Confusing Polish sentences can be the funniest Polish phrases and will cheer you up for a long time!
“Dull as tripe in oil”
What does it mean: “Dull as tripe in oil”? Untranslatable polish sentences using will show you the crazy polish language! Strange in polish can be a huge surprise for you. But take it easy, the 11 odd phrases poles love to use presented in this video will make everything clear to you. Each language has its sayings. Today you have a chance to get to know sayings in the polish language! Therefore, if you are looking for entertainment, and you want to learn something, you must turn on the video and get to know proverbs in polish language! It is worth expanding your language knowledge at every level :).
- Nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu – Nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu
- Did an elephant stomp on your ear? – Czy słoń nadepnął ci na ucho
- Throwing peas against a wall – Rzucać grochem o ścianę
- Dull as tripe in oil – Nudne jak flaki z olejem
- Looking for a hole in the whole – Szukać dziury w całym
- Fall from the Christmas tree – Urwać się z choinki
- To jump at the sun with a hoe – Porywać się z motyką na słońce
- Gruszki na wierzbie – Pears on a willow
- Drill a hole in your belly – Wiercić komuś dziurę w brzuchu
- To turn the cat around by its tail – Odwracać kota ogonem
- What does gingerbread have to do with a windmill? – Co ma piernik do wiatraka?

You also read the previous entry: „10 Craziest Polish Tongue Twisters – Polish Language Challenge – The Hardest Polish Tongue Twisters“.
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