Dialogues at the Doctor’s in Spanish
Would you like to speak Spanish fluently? After our Spanish course, it will certainly not be difficult. Spanish phrases at the Doctor’s are a collection of basic phrases that will be useful when traveling abroad. Are you wondering how to break the language barrier? Listen to our recording as often as you can and repeat the phrases after the teacher. After a while, you will be surprised how easy it is for you to speak Spanish. Learn the phrasebook in Spanish, and you will quickly communicate in Spain with the doctor! ? Our 40 phrases in Spanish at the Doctor’s are not difficult, just learn our phrases in Spanish and you can talk to the doctor without any problems.
40 phrases in Spanish at the Doctor’s:
1.I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor
Me gustaría pedir cita al médico
2.Do you have an appointment?
¿Tiene una cita?
3. Is this your first visit?
¿Es su primera visita?
4. What is this appointment regarding?
¿Qué problema le trae al médico?
5. Do you have health insurance?
¿Tiene usted póliza de salud?
6. Please, take a seat
Siéntese, por favor
7. The waiting room is on your right
La sala de espera está a la derecha
8. The doctor will see you now
El médico le atenderá ahora?
9. What seems to be the matter?
¿Qué le suecede?
10. What hurts?
¿Qué le duele?
11. Can you describe your symptoms?
¿Puede describir los síntomas?
12. I have backache
Me duele la espalda
13. I have a fever
Tengo fiebre
14. I have a runny nose
Tengo catarro
15. Kręci mi się w głowie
Tengo sensación de vértigo
16. Mdli mnie
Tengo náuseas
17. I have a cold
Estoy resfriado
18. I have high blood pressure
Tengo la tensión alta
19. I have the flu
Tengo gripe
20. Are you on any medication?
¿Toma algún medicamento?
21. Do you have any allergies?
¿Tiene alergias?
22. Do you have a fever?
¿Tiene fiebre?
23. How long have you had these symptoms?
¿Desde cuánto tiempo tiene estos síntomas?
24. Here’s your prescription
Esta es su receta
25. I recommended bed rest
Recomiendo que guarde reposo en la cama
26. I’ll need to prescribe an antibiotic
Tengo que prescribir un antibiótico
27. Let me listen to your heart
Voy a escuchar su corazón
28. Let me take your blood pressure
Mediré la tensión arterial
29. Let’s take your temperature
Mediremos la temperatura
30. This requires surgery
Esto requiere cirugía
31. We’ll need to order a blood test
Tenemos que solicitar análisis de sangre
32. You need to be hospitalized
Debe ingresar en hospital
33. Your test results are in
Han llegado los resultados de análisis
34. Are my test results in yet?
¿Han llegado ya mis resultados de análisis?
35. How long will I have to stay in the hospital?
¿Cuánto tiempo tendré que quedarme en hospital?
36. I’m not feeling well
Me siento mal
37. I need to get my prescription filled
Tengo que renovar la receta
38. I would like a second opinion
Deseo oír una segunda opinión
39. What are the side-effects?
¿Cuáles son los efectos secundarios?
40. What’s my prognosis?
¿Qué perspectivas hay?

Visit our YouTube channel and see also 40 phrases in Polish at the Doctor’s.