50 Italian phrases that are useful in restaurants – Dialogues in Italian in restaurants

Holiday in Italy

Are you going on vacation to Italy? Would you like to learn basic Italian phrases? We are here for you. With our video, you will learn dialogues in Italian in restaurants. You will learn what a phrasebook in Italian is like, thanks to which you will easily communicate in an Italian restaurant and you will get along with Italian! Learn a few basic Italian words and phrases in the restaurant. You will quickly learn: how to order dinner in Italian, how to make a reservation in a restaurant in Italy, how to request n Italian bills, how to change a table in Italian, how to say ‘thank you’ in Italian and much more! Dialogues in Italian in restaurants will be very useful on your holiday in Italy! Learning Italian quickly before the holidays is something that will allow you to learn basic phrases from other countries and you will be able to order dinner in Italian freely 🙂

Dialogues in Italian in restaurants

We’ve prepared for you basic Italian vocabulary in the restaurant. Our course is perfect for beginners. In our video you will only hear native speakers and learn how to pronounce Italian phrases professionally. We hope you will find our video useful.

Here you’ve got all our dialogues used in the video:

1. I would like a table for two

Vorrei un tavolo per due, per favore

2. Can we change the table?

Possiamo spostarci all’altro tavolo?

3. Do you have a reservation?

Ha una prenotazione?

4. Could I have the menu please?

Potrei avere un menu, per favore?

5. Are you ready to order?

Posso prendere l’ordine?

6. What do you recommend?

Cosa mi consiglia?

7. Would you like to order some wine?

Vuole ordinare il vino?

8. Do you have a wine list?

Ha una carta dei vini?

9. Could you bring salt and pepper please?

Potrebbe portarci sale e pepe?

10. Bon appetit!

Buon appetito

11. Would you like some coffee?

Gradisce un caffè?

12. Anything else?


13. No, thank you. That is all 

No grazie. È tutto

14. That was delicious, thank you

È stato delizioso, grazie

15. Can I have the bill please?

Posso chiedere il conto, per favore?

16. Can I pay by credit card?

Posso pagare con carta di credito?

17. Is the service included?

Il servizio è incluso?

18. There is a mistake in the bill

C’è un errore nel conto

19. Keep the change

Tenga il resto

20. Excuse me, where is the toilet?

Scusi, dove sono i servizi?

21. I am hungry

Ho fame

22. I am thirsty

Ho sete

23. I am on a diet

Sono a dieta

24. I am allergic to nuts

Sono allergico alle noci

25. I am a vegetarian

Sono vegetariano

26. I don’t eat meat

Non mangio carne

27. I am a vegan

Sono vegano

28. I am lactose intolerant

Sono intollerante al lattosio

29. I would like to book a table for two

Vorrei prenotare un tavolo per due

30. We would like a table by the window, please

Vorremmo un tavolo vicino alla finestra, per favore

31. Is this table ok? 

Va bene questo tavolo?

32. Let me show you to your table

Vi accompagno al tavolo

33. Your table is ready

Il vostro tavolo è pronto

34. I have a reservation under the name Smith

Ho una prenotazione, il mio cognome è Smith

35. What can I get for you?

Cosa porto?

36. Would you like separate tabs?

I signori vogliono conti separati?

37. Can I get another round?

Vorrei di nuovo lo stesso

38. Is it too late to change my order?

Posso ancora modificare la mia ordinazione?

39. We’re ready to order now

Siamo pronti per ordinare

40. Are you enjoying your meal tonight?

Tutto bene?

41. Can I interest you in our dessert menu?

Gradiscono un dessert?

42. May I take your plate?

Posso portare via il piatto?

43. Excuse me, this fork is dirty

Scusi, questa forchetta è sporca

44. The food has gone cold 

Il cibo è freddo

45. This dish is too spicy

Questo piatto è troppo piccante

46. This isn’t what I ordered

Ho ordinato qualcos’altro

47. This meat is undercooked

Questa carne è troppo poco cotta

48. It’s too salty

È troppo salato

49. Sorry to keep you waiting

Scusate se vi ho fatto aspettare

50. Please, come again

Saremo lieti di rivedervi

Visit our YouTube channel and see also phrases useful in restaurant in Polish language.