50 Spanish phrases that are useful in restaurants – Dialogues in Spanish in restaurants

Let’s speak Spanish!

Would you like to speak Spanish fluently? After our Spanish course, it will certainly not be difficult. Spanish phrases in a restaurant are a collection of basic phrases that will be useful when traveling abroad. Are you wondering how to break the language barrier? Listen to our recording as often as you can and repeat the phrases after the teacher. After a while, you will be surprised how easy it is for you to speak Spanish. Dialogues in Spanish will facilitate table reservations or placing an order in a foreign country. It’s nothing hard. Our online Spanish course is convenient and practical for people of all ages. Learn 50 Spanish phrases that are useful in restaurants with us. In this video you will find all the most common Spanish phrases for restaurants. This is an excellent Spanish course for free, allowing you to easily list your allergies in a restaurant and request a table change. You will not only listen but also see on the screen dialogues in Spanish restaurants. This is a great Spanish course for beginners. You can listen to recordings in Spanish wherever and whenever you want. With our video you can learn dialogues in Spanish while walking, in the bathtub, while cooking, or in the car.

Here you’ve got all our dialogues in Spanish used in the video:

1. I would like a table for two 

Quiero una mesa para dos personas, por favor

2. Can we change the table? 

¿Podríamos cambiar de mesa

3. Do you have a reservation? 

¿Tiene Usted reserva?

4. Could I have the menu please? 

¿Podría ver el menú, por favor? 

5. Are you ready to order? 

¿Puedo tomar su pedido? 

6. What do you recommend? 

¿Qué me recomienda?

7. Would you like to order some wine? 

¿Desea tomar vino? 

8. Do you have a wine list? 

¿Tienen carta de vinos?

9. Could you bring salt and pepper please? 

¿Podrías traerme sal y pimienta? 

10. Bon appetit!

Que aproveche 

11. Would you like some coffee? 

¿Deseas tomar café?

12. Anything else? 

¿Desea algo más?

13. No, thank you. That is all  

No gracias. Esto es todo

14. That was delicious, thank you 

 Estaba delicioso, gracias

15. Can I have the bill please? 

¿Me trae la cuenta, por favor?

16. Can I pay by credit card? 

¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito? 

17. Is the service included? 

¿Se suma la propina la cuenta?

18. There is a mistake in the bill

Hay un error en la cuenta

19. Keep the change 

Quédate el cambio

20. Excuse me, where is the toilet? 

Disculpe, ¿dónde está el baño?

21. I am hungry 

Tengo hambre

22. I am thirsty 

Tengo sed

23. I am on a diet 

Estoy a dieta

24. I am allergic to nuts 

Tengo alergia a frutos secos

25. I am a vegetarian 

Soy vegetariano/vegetariana

26. I don’t eat meat 

No como carne

27. I am a vegan

Soy vegano

28. I am lactose intolerant 

No tolero la lactosa

29. I would like to book a table for two 

Me gustaría reservar una mesa para dos personas

30. We would like a table by the window, please

Nos gustaría una mesa junto a la ventana, por favor

31. Is this table ok?  

¿Les gusta esta mesa?

32. Let me show you to your table 

Les acompañaré a la mesa

33. Your table is ready

Su mesa está lista.

34. I have a reservation under the name Smith

Tengo una reserva a nombre de Smith 

35. What can I get for you? 

¿Qué desean tomar?

36. Would you like separate tabs?

¿Desean cuentas separadas?

37. Can I get another round?

Tomaré otra vez lo mismo, por favor 

38. Is it too late to change my order?

¿Puedo cambiar aún mi pedido? 

39. We’re ready to order now 

Estamos listos para hacer el pedido

40. Are you enjoying your meal tonight?

¿Les gusta la comida?

41. Can I interest you in our dessert menu?

¿Desean tomar postre?

42. May I take your plate?

¿Puedo llevarme su plato?

43. Excuse me, this fork is dirty 

Disculpe, este tenedor está sucio

44. The food has gone cold  

La comida está fría

45. This dish is too spicy

Este plato es demasiado picante

46. This isn’t what I ordered

Pedí otra cosa 

47. This meat is undercooked

Esta carne está poco hecha

48. It’s too salty

Este plato está demasiado salado

49. Sorry to keep you waiting

 Disculpen la espera

50. Please, come again

Vuelvan a visitarnos, por favor 

Visit our YouTube channel and see also phrases useful in restaurant in Italian.