Learn 100 SCHOOL words in Ukrainian with pictures, School vocabulary in Ukrainian, Ukrainian school

Learn 100 SCHOOL words in Ukrainian with pictures

Would you like to learn Ukrainian? We have one very nice idea for you! You see our original movie “Learn 100 SCHOOL words in Ukrainian with pictures, School vocabulary in Ukrainian, Ukrainian school”. We have created the best basic Ukrainian lessons! This one contains 100 words from the school category in Ukrainian! This is a great online Ukrainian course! In the video you will learn how to pronounce school vocabulary in Ukrainian! This video will show you how to pronounce school supplies in Ukrainian, sports in Ukrainian, and even school subjects in Ukrainian! This movie contains the basics and you will surely enjoy it!

School vocabulary in Ukrainian

Learn 100 school words in Ukrainian with pictures! We came up with a very fun way to learn! It is wonderful that this course is free! These Ukrainian lessons are very attractive! You Practice the Ukrainian language, and you will surely need it someday. The video is very accessible. This is the best Ukrainian language course for kids! This movie is also a Ukrainian language course for adults! You master school vocabulary in Ukrainian, and you will surely feel fulfilled! Ukrainian school is the perfect base for basic Ukrainian words! Learn Ukrainian words from the school category and your day will get better! Satisfaction guaranteed!

Ukrainian school

You allow yourself the satisfaction and learn 100 school words in Ukrainian with pictures. Learning through pictures is very fun! This video has very nice graphics. The Ukrainian vocabulary is pronounced by the teacher! School vocabulary in Ukrainian are frequently used phrases in Ukrainian! Ukrainian course for free is a unique offer! Ukrainian is especially important nowadays! School supplies are Ukrainian words that everyone should pass. Education is very important for both children and adults. You learn Ukrainian and just feel happy! Ukrainian school is a very important aspect in life!

School vocabulary:

  1. School – Школу
  2. Student – Студент
  3. Teacher – Учитель
  4. School desk – Лавка
  5. Chair – Стілець
  6. Board – Таблиця
  7. Writing desk – Письмовий Стіл
  8. Backpack – Рюкзак
  9. Chalk – Крейда
  10. Sponge – Губка
  11. Marker – Маркер
  12. Marker pen – Фломастер
  13. Crayon – Oлівець для малювання
  14. Pen – Ручка
  15. Pencil – Олівець
  16. Sharpener – Точилка
  17. Sellotape – Скотч
  18. Rubber – Гумка
  19. Compass – Компас
  20. Ruler – Лінія
  21. Set square – Кутник
  22. Protractor – Транспортир
  23. Calculator – Калькулятор
  24. Magnifying glass – Лупа
  25. Paints – Фарби
  26. Brush – Пензлик
  27. Pastel crayons – Пастельні олівці
  28. Plasticine – Пластилін
  29. Scissors – Ножиці
  30. Glue – Клей
  31. Paper clip – Офісна скріпка
  32. Punch – Удар
  33. Stapler – Степлер
  34. Drawing pin – Шпилька для малювання
  35. Pencil case – Пенал
  36. Notebook – Блокнот
  37. Book – Книга
  38. Shoe bag – Сумка для взуття
  39. Bell – Дзвоник
  40. Classroom – Класна кімната
  41. Key – Ключ
  42. Projector – Проектор
  43. Computer room – Комп’ютерний зал
  44. Gym – Спортзал
  45. Field – Суд
  46. Playground – Дитячий майданчик
  47. Canteen – Кафетерій
  48. Library – Бібліотека
  49. Bookshelf – Книжкова полиця
  50. Alphabet – Алфавіт
  51. Computer – Комп’ютер
  52. Laptop – Ноутбук
  53. Headphones – Навушники
  54. Speaker – Гучномовець
  55. Computer mouse – Комп’ютерна Миша
  56. Keyboard – Клавіатура
  57. Monitor – Монітор
  58. Swivel chair – Поворотний стілець
  59. Map – Карта
  60. Globe – Глобус
  61. Test tube – Пробірка
  62. Flask – Колба
  63. Mark – Рейтинг
  64. Locker – Кабінет
  65. Timetable – План уроку
  66. Breakfast container – Контейнер для сніданку
  67. School uniform – Шкільна форма
  68. Maths – Математика
  69. Computer science – Інформаційні технології
  70. Chemistry – Хімія
  71. Biology – Біологія
  72. Physics – фізики
  73. Geography – Географія
  74. Art – Пластичність
  75. Music – Музика
  76. Physical education – Фізичне виховання
  77. Theater classes – Театральні заняття
  78. Dancing classes – Заняття танцями
  79. Basketball – Баскетбол
  80. Volleyball – Волейбол
  81. Football – футбол
  82. Gymnastics – Гімнастика
  83. Tennis – Теніс
  84. Table tennis – Настільний теніс
  85. Badminton – Бадмінтон
  86. Swimming pool – Басейн
  87. Coach – Тренер
  88. Basketball ball – Баскетбольний м’яч
  89. Volleyball ball – Волейбольний м’яч
  90. Tennis ball – Тенісний м’яч
  91. Tennis racket – Тенісна ракетка
  92. Table tennis racket – Ракетка для настільного тенісу
  93. Skipping rope – Стрибки на скакалці
  94. Hula hoop – Обруч
  95. Notes – Примітки
  96. School bus – Шкільний автобус
  97. School trip – Шкільна подорож
  98. School nurse – Шкільна медсестра
  99. Holiday – Свято
  100. Winter holiday – Зимові канікули
the children are seated in the desks at school and they report to the answers

You See also our previous post „Learn 100 SCHOOL words in Swedish with pictures, School vocabulary in Swedish, School subjects“.

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