RESTAURANT – Easy Italian Conversation in the Restaurant – Italian for Beginners

Easy Italian Conversation in the Restaurant

Italy is famous for its delicious food and good restaurants. If you are going to this beautiful country, you will surely need some vocabulary, which will be possible in order to get opportunities in a restaurant. With our video, you will learn how to speak Italian in a restaurant. If you are going to Italy, you want to get to know the culture better and understand yourself in Italian, or you just want to learn Italian – our video with easy Italian conversation in the restaurant has been created especially for you.

Italian for Beginners

Thanks to the fact that we have written captions, it will be much easier for you to understand and learn phrases that will help you communicate in Italy. Additionally, you will have a lot of fun learning Italian travel lessons with subtitles. Thanks to the subtitles in our movie you will be able to understand better what the characters of the movie say, but also learn the pronunciation of the words.

Below you will find a translation of the phrases you’ll hear in the video:

Waitress: Hello. (Buongiorno.)

Man: Hi. Have you got a table for two? (Buongiorno. Ha un tavolo libero per due?)

Woman: Do you have a reservation? (Avete una prenotazione?)

Man: I’m afraid not. (Purtroppo no. )

Waitress: I see. Please wait just a minute. I’ll see if there is a free table. (Ho capito. Per favore aspettate un momento. Vedrò se ci sono tavoli liberi.)

Waitress: We’ve got a table for two free. Is it OK if you sit by the window? (Al momento abbiamo un tavolo per due. Un posto vicino alla finestra va bene?)

Woman: Of course. (Certo.)

Waitress: Great, please follow me. (Ottimo, seguitemi per favore.)

Waitress: Here is your table. I’ll come back in a few minutes. Would you like something to drink? (Ecco il vostro tavolo. Tornerò in pochi minuti. Gradite qualcosa da bere per cominciare?)

Man: We’d like two glasses of water with lemon and ice, thanks. (Vorremmo due bicchieri di acqua con ghiaccio e limone, per favore. Grazie.)

Waitress: Here are your drinks. Are you ready to order? (Ecco le bevande. Siete pronti per le ordinazioni?)

Woman: We can’t make up our minds. Can you recommend something special? (Siamo indecisi. Potrebbe consigliarci qualcosa di speciale?)

Waitress: I recommend the chef’s speciality, roast duck with apples and cranberry served with potato dumplings. (Consiglio la specialità del nostro chef: anatra arrosto con mele e mirtilli rossi e gnocchi di patate.)

Man: Sounds good, we’ll take it. (Bene, lo prenderemo.)

Waitress: Great. There’s a wait of about 20 minutes. In the meantime perhaps you’d like to try some wine from our cellar. The dry red wine goes with duck perfectly. (Ottimo. Il tempo di attesa è di circa 20 minuti. Gradite assaggiare il vino della nostra cantina? Il vino rosso secco si sposa perfettamente con l’anatra.)

Woman: Unfortunately my husband is driving, but I’d love to try some. (Mio marito guida purtroppo, ma mi piacerebbe assaggiarlo.)

Waitress: Of course, I understand. I’ll be back in a moment. (Certo, capisco. Tornerò in un minuto.)

Waitress: Here are your orders. Enjoy your meal! (Ecco il vostro ordine. Buon appetito!)

Man: Thank you. Could we order dessert right now? (Grazie. Possiamo ordinare subito il dessert?)

Waitress: Why yes of course, I recommend our warm apple cake served with ice cream. (Assolutamente, consiglio la torta di mele calda con gelato.)

Woman: That sounds wonderful! What do you think, honey? (Fantastico! Cosa ne pensi amore?)

Man: With pleasure. And we’d like two black coffees with that. (Sì, mi piace. E due caffè per favore.)

Waitress: Of course. (Va bene.)

Waitress: How was your meal? (Tutto bene?)

Man: Great, the duck was delicious, thanks for the recommendation. (Sì, l’anatra era deliziosa, grazie per il consiglio.)

Waitress: I’m glad, I’ll tell the chef that you liked it. I’ll bring your desserts in a moment. (Sono molto contenta, dirò allo chef che vi è piaciuto. Vi porto il dolce tra un attimo.)

Woman: Great. I also wanted to ask where the WC is? (Fantastico. Volevo solo chiedere dov’è il bagno?)

Waitress: The WC is next to the entrance, to the left of the cloakroom. (Il bagno è vicino all’ingresso, sul lato sinistro della guardaroba.)

Woman: Thank you very much. (Grazie mille.)

Waitress: And here you are, here are your desserts. (Ecco il dessert.)

Man: Thank you. Can we have the bill, please? (Grazie. Vorremmo chiedere un conto.)

Waitress: Of course. Would you like to pay in cash or by card? (Certo. Pagherà con carta o contanti?)

Man: Card. (Con carta.)

Waitress: I’ll bring your bill. (Porto il conto.)

Man: Great, thank you very much. (Ottimo, grazie mille.)

Woman: How did you like it, darling? (Ti piace tesoro?)

Man: It was a bit sweet for me. (È un po’ troppo dolce per me.)

Woman: I agree. (Sono d’accordo.)

Waitress: Here is your bill. Will you be paying with a contactless or pin card? (Ecco il conto. Pagherà contactless o tramite pin?)

Man: Contactless. (Contactless.)

Waitress: Thank you. It was a pleasure having you as our guests. (Grazie. Siamo stati lieti di ospitarvi.)

Man: Thank you. We’ll definitely come back. (Grazie. Torneremo sicuramente.)

Woman: Don’t forget the tip. (Non dimenticare la mancia.)

Man: Right! (Giusto!)

For more, visit our YouTube channel and see also dialogues in Italian at the hotel.